Vin Diesel, renowned actor of the “Fast and the Furious” franchise, has filed a motion to dismiss the sexual battery lawsuit brought against him by his former assistant, Asta Jonasson. The legal documents, obtained by People magazine, reveal Diesel’s request for the case to be thrown out and for Jonasson to cover his legal fees.
According to the filed papers, Diesel categorically denies each and every allegation made by Jonasson in her complaint. The actor firmly asserts that Jonasson is not entitled to any form of relief or compensation, as he denies causing any harm or damage to her.
Jonasson initially filed the lawsuit in December, alleging that Diesel forcibly pulled her onto a bed, groped her breasts and legs, and engaged in masturbation at a hotel during the filming of “Fast Five” in 2010. The suit further claimed that Jonasson felt afraid to refuse her supervisor more forcefully, fearing for her personal safety and job security.
The lawsuit also includes claims of discrimination based on sex/gender, intentional infliction of emotional distress, a hostile work environment, wrongful termination, and retaliation. Jonasson accuses Diesel and his production company, One Race, of attempting to cover up the alleged incident. She states that she has suffered and continues to suffer humiliation, emotional distress, and mental and physical pain.
Diesel’s lawyer, Bryan Freedman, has been contacted for comment but has not yet responded.
In a statement released in December, Freedman vehemently denied the allegations, emphasizing that Diesel had never heard of this claim before and that there is evidence refuting the accusations. The claim was made by Jonasson, who was purportedly employed for only nine days at the time of the alleged incident, which occurred over 13 years ago.
It is worth noting that shortly after Jonasson’s lawsuit was filed, a 2017 interview resurfaced on social media, featuring Diesel making advances towards Brazilian YouTuber Carol Moreira.