A tragic incident unfolded in the Soundview neighborhood of the Bronx, New York City, as a relentless social media bullying campaign culminated in the fatal stabbing of 17-year-old Emery Mizell. The incident occurred on Thursday afternoon around 2:15 p.m. on Boynton Avenue near Watson Avenue.
Emery Mizell, a resident of the area, was rushed to Jacobi Medical Center after being stabbed in the chest but succumbed to her injuries, according to authorities. The alleged perpetrator, a 15-year-old girl, was taken into custody along with two other minors initially, but only the 15-year-old was charged with murder, manslaughter, and unlawful possession of a weapon. Due to her status as a minor, her name has not been released.
Police have revealed that Mizell and her alleged killer were engaged in an ongoing dispute. Prior to the tragic incident, the victim had been subjected to relentless harassment on social media, sources familiar with the case reported. The other two individuals taken into custody were not charged, as confirmed by law enforcement officials.
In the wake of this devastating loss, a woman claiming to be Emery’s relative shared a heart-wrenching post on Facebook, accompanied by several photos of the slain teenager. Expressing her love and grief, she wrote, “Emmy, I love you so much baby. We’re all gonna miss you. You were a beautiful soul with so much life ahead of you. I know you are in the best of hands now. I’d do anything for the chance to hug you and tell you I love you again. Sleep in peace our sweet angel.”
This tragic incident follows another recent case in the Bronx, where 17-year-old Laquai Dash lost his life due to a social media dispute involving his girlfriend and another female. Dash, a promising young football player eagerly anticipating a senior class trip to Spain, was fatally shot by the boyfriend of the other girl involved, according to his family and law enforcement officials.
1 Response
It is truly heartbreaking to hear about incidents like this where social media bullying has such devastating consequences. In light of this, it is important for parents, educators, and community members to be aware of the signs of bullying and take proactive steps to prevent it.
One resource that may be helpful is the National Bullying Prevention Center (https://www.pacer.org/bullying/). They provide a wealth of information, resources, and support for individuals who are dealing with bullying, as well as strategies for