Princeton graduate and prominent member of various organizations affiliated with the prestigious university, Roy “Trey” Farmer, 53, was apprehended on Friday following his arrest on charges of possessing child pornography. Law enforcement officials descended upon Farmer’s condominium, located near Princeton University’s main entrance, after receiving a tip regarding the upload of child sexual abuse material by a Mercer County resident. Farmer, who recently assumed the role of president of the Queer Princeton Alumni, formerly known as the Bisexual, Transgender, Gay and Lesbian Association, was subsequently charged with third-degree possession of child sexual abuse material.
During the search of Farmer’s residence, investigators seized multiple potential pieces of evidence related to the case, as confirmed by the prosecutor’s office. Farmer, a 1993 Princeton graduate, has been actively involved in various organizations, including the Princeton University Glee Club Foundation, where he served as president, as well as Princeton Internships in Civic Service and Princeton of Southwest Florida, according to his online biography.
In an Alumni Spotlight interview, Farmer expressed his belief in the power of bringing Princeton alumni together, highlighting the positive impact of their collective volunteer efforts across different sectors of society. Additionally, he holds master’s degrees from both Yale and Harvard and has had professional experience in the telecommunications industry before transitioning to private equity. Farmer’s school profile also mentions his ownership of art festivals held worldwide.
It is important to note that Farmer was a volunteer associated with Princeton University, not an employee. Prosecutors have filed a motion to keep him in detention until his trial, with the hearing on this matter postponed until next week, as reported by
1 Response
This is such a disturbing and shocking news. It’s important to raise awareness about such issues and ensure that justice is served. I will definitely share this post on my social media platforms to help spread the word and promote awareness. Thank you for bringing attention to this important matter.