Man Convicted of Attacking Paul Pelosi Faces Potential Life Sentence

David DePape, the individual found guilty of assaulting Paul Pelosi, husband of former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, may be sentenced to a maximum of 50 years in prison. The sentencing hearing is scheduled for Monday, April 29, in federal court. DePape, who broke into the Pelosi residence in San Francisco in October 2022, intended to speak with Nancy Pelosi but found only her husband at home.

Upon discovering DePape’s presence, Paul Pelosi promptly contacted emergency services, expressing his fear of the intruder. Video evidence reveals the encounter between DePape and Paul Pelosi at the residence’s entrance, just as law enforcement arrived at the scene. Police instructed DePape to drop the hammer he was wielding, but he proceeded to strike Paul Pelosi on the head. As a result, Paul Pelosi required immediate surgical intervention.

In November 2023, DePape was convicted in federal court for assaulting a family member of a federal official and attempting kidnapping. Additionally, he is currently facing charges in state court related to the attack on Paul Pelosi. At 43 years old, DePape could potentially spend the remainder of his life behind bars if the maximum sentence is imposed, with his release not occurring until he reaches the age of 93.

Author: CrimeDoor

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