Infant Found Dead with Visible Signs of Trauma, Parents Being Questioned by Police

A month-old baby boy was discovered dead at the West Brighton Houses in Staten Island, New York. Police sources have revealed that detectives are currently interviewing the parents of the infant in connection with his demise. The tragic incident unfolded on Saturday morning at approximately 6:45 a.m. when authorities responded to a distress call.

Upon arrival, law enforcement officers found the baby unconscious and unresponsive, with visible signs of trauma to his left arm. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) swiftly transported the infant to Richmond University Medical Center, where he was subsequently pronounced dead. The exact cause of death will be determined by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

In light of the circumstances, the NYPD has taken two individuals, identified as persons of interest, into custody. Detectives are currently conducting interviews with the baby’s parents to gather further information and ascertain the events leading up to the tragic incident.

Author: CrimeDoor

1 Response

  1. 1. Create a safe sleep environment: Ensure that your baby’s sleep area is free from any potential hazards such as loose bedding, pillows, or stuffed animals. Use a firm mattress and a fitted sheet to reduce the risk of suffocation.

    2. Follow the ABCs of safe sleep: Always place your baby to sleep on their back, in their own crib or bassinet, and in a smoke-free environment. This reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and suffocation

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