Woman Sentenced to 12 Years for Acid Attack on Subway Passenger in Brooklyn

A Brooklyn judge has sentenced Rodlin Gravesande, a woman responsible for a horrifying acid attack on a subway passenger, to 12 years in prison. The sentencing comes after Gravesande was found guilty last month on charges of first- and second-degree assault, according to the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office.

The victim, 22-year-old Juanita Jimenez, suffered severe scarring on her face as a result of the attack, enduring second- and third-degree burns. District Attorney Eric Gonzalez expressed satisfaction with the sentence, stating, “Today’s sentence holds this defendant accountable for a frightening and random attack on an innocent woman. Brooklyn residents deserve to feel safe when taking the subway, and those who jeopardize their safety will be held accountable.”

The incident occurred on December 2, 2022, when Gravesande, formerly of Brownsville, began yelling and threatening passengers on a southbound 2 train. Upon reaching the Winthrop Street station in Prospects Lefferts Gardens, Gravesande followed Jimenez off the train and confronted her. After exchanging words, Gravesande struck Jimenez in the head before proceeding to open a vial of sulfuric acid and splashing it on her face.

Authorities apprehended Gravesande a month later in Georgia, where she had fled following the assault. Jimenez, who has undergone nose and lip reconstruction as well as multiple skin grafts, expressed her shaken state after the attack. In February, she shared, “I always thought something like this can’t happen to me – I’m such a nice person, it couldn’t be me…[but] it really could just be anybody. We didn’t get into an argument, I didn’t know her, I didn’t have anything with her, and it still occurred.”

Despite the trauma, Jimenez recently celebrated her graduation from Lehman College, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in anthropology, biology, and chemistry with department honors. In an Instagram post, she reflected on her journey, stating, “Throughout this journey, the Lord has taught me that comfortability is my strongest enemy. If I have a vision, why not pursue it? I can only limit myself.”

Author: CrimeDoor

3 Responses

  1. This is a truly disturbing case that highlights the devastating consequences of acid attacks. While I don’t have a personal example or case-study to share, I would like to shed light on another high-profile acid attack case that occurred in the UK.

    In 2017, a British model named Resham Khan and her cousin Jameel Muhktar were victims of a targeted acid attack while sitting in their car at a traffic light. The attacker, John Tomlin, approached their vehicle and threw a

  2. I appreciate the update on the sentencing of Rodlin Gravesande for the acid attack on a subway passenger. It’s certainly a disturbing incident that deserves serious consequences. However, I would like to know more about the judge’s reasoning behind the 12-year prison sentence. Could you please provide more details on the factors considered in determining this specific length of time?

  3. This is a truly disturbing incident, and it’s good to see that justice is being served. However, I would like to know more about the circumstances surrounding the acid attack. What led to this horrific act, and what impact did it have on the victim? It would be helpful to understand the context and consequences of such a heinous crime.

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