Testimony Contradicts Timeline of Relationship Between Fulton County DA and Special Prosecutor

Testimony provided by Robin Yeartie, a former co-worker of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, has contradicted the timeline of Willis’ relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade. The revelation came during a hearing to determine whether Willis should be allowed to remain on the Georgia election interference case against Donald Trump. Yeartie testified on Thursday, stating that she had witnessed Willis and Wade being affectionate, hugging, and kissing as early as 2019, casting doubt on the DA’s claim that their relationship began in 2022.

The timeline presented by Yeartie raises questions about the potential influence of the relationship on Willis’ decision to involve Wade in the case. It also calls into question the over $600,000 in state funds that Wade was paid for his work on the RICO case against Trump. The allegations of an improper romantic relationship were initially raised by Trump co-defendant Mike Roman, who requested Willis’ removal from the case in January.

During the hearing, Wade contradicted Yeartie’s timeline but admitted to using his business credit card to pay for travel expenses for himself and Willis. He further revealed that he was reimbursed in cash by the district attorney. Trump, who is facing a separate criminal case brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alving Bragg, was not present at the hearing.

If Willis is disqualified from the case, it could potentially disrupt Georgia’s prosecution of Trump and his co-defendants for election interference or undermine the case’s legitimacy in the eyes of the public. The ruling on Willis’ disqualification will be made by Judge Scott McAfee, who will consider the testimony provided during the hearing. Further hearings are scheduled for Friday, and no date has been announced for McAfee’s decision.

Trump has previously criticized Willis for her involvement with Wade, claiming that it discredits the case against him. In a recent post on Truth Social, he wrote, “Fani Willis, the D.A. of Fulton County, just admitted to having a sexual relationship with the Prosecutor she, in consultation with the White House and DOJ, appointed to ‘GET PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP.’ THAT MEANS THAT THIS SCAM IS TOTALLY DISCREDITED & OVER!”

Author: CrimeDoor

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