Pit Bull Puppies Rescued from Urine-Soaked Doggy Bag in Queens, Woman Arrested on Animal Torture Charges

A litter of pit bull puppies was rescued by the NYPD in Far Rockaway, Queens, after being found stuffed in a urine-soaked doggy bag. The incident, captured on police bodycam footage, led to the arrest of a woman involved in the illegal sale of the puppies on charges of animal torture.

On Saturday, officers in training stationed at Beach Channel Drive and Horton Avenue noticed a woman, identified as Shirley Medina, attempting to sell a puppy to another individual. When asked if she had more puppies, Medina grabbed a sack and claimed there were additional dogs inside. Concerned about the welfare of the animals, the officers intervened and opened the sack, revealing five distressed puppies.

The bodycam footage showed the officers expressing disbelief at the condition of the puppies, remarking on their excessive heat and sweat. The sweltering pups were also found to be covered in urine. Recognizing the immediate danger they were in, the officers acted swiftly, providing water for the parched puppies before handing them over to the local ASPCA chapter.

A spokesperson for the ASPCA expressed gratitude for the NYPD’s intervention, stating that the puppies were promptly transported to their facility for forensic exams and much-needed care. Meanwhile, Medina was taken into custody by the police. She now faces six counts each of animal torture and animal neglect, in addition to a criminal possession of a weapon charge. Sources indicate that Medina has a prior criminal record, including a 2019 robbery involving box cutters.

Author: CrimeDoor

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