Oakland Man Arrested in Connection with UC Berkeley Arson Attacks

Authorities have apprehended a 34-year-old Oakland man, Casey Robert Goonan, in connection with a series of arson attacks at UC Berkeley. Goonan was taken into custody and booked into Alameda County jail on charges including arson and possession and use of destructive devices, according to a news release by Cal Fire.

The attacks, which occurred this month, targeted a UC Berkeley Police Department vehicle and three other locations within the university. Cal Fire did not provide further details regarding the incidents. The investigation was conducted jointly by the Cal Fire-Office of the State Fire Marshal Arson and Bomb Unit, the UC Berkeley Police Department, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

It remains unclear whether the attacks include the fire that was set outside Koshland Hall last Thursday. A group called Palestine Action US claimed responsibility for that particular fire in a social media post. They alleged that UCLA students were attacked, prompting their retaliatory firebombing on the UC Berkeley campus. The group accused individuals associated with the university of interfering with a student protester’s speech. They further threatened to burn more UC Berkeley buildings and warned of “wrath of revenge” against the entire university system if it did not divest from Israel.

Fortunately, no injuries were reported in the fire at Koshland Hall, and the building itself sustained no damage. Cal Fire spokespersons were unavailable for immediate comment.

Author: CrimeDoor

1 Response

  1. Did you know that according to the National Fire Protection Association, there were an estimated 22,600 intentionally set structure fires reported in the United States in 2018? Arson attacks like the ones at UC Berkeley are unfortunately not uncommon, highlighting the need for increased vigilance and security measures.

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