Man Arrested for Recording Women in Penn State Dorm Showers

Man Arrested for Recording Women in Penn State Dorm Showers

Pennsylvania State University authorities have arrested Xinyu Li, a 24-year-old man, on charges of criminal trespassing and invasion of privacy. Li is accused of secretly recording two women who were showering in a dorm at the university. The incidents occurred on October 7 and October 14 in Hamilton Hall.

During the first incident, the victim noticed a person standing next to her shower stall and observed a cell phone above the top of the stall. The suspect quickly fled the scene. In the second incident, the victim saw a phone poking out from the bottom of her stall before the suspect fled again. Surveillance cameras captured the suspect entering and leaving the building.

Li was identified as the suspect after police found a truck matching the description of the suspect’s vehicle in a nearby parking lot. The truck was registered to Comet Tech, Inc., a delivery/moving/storage service for college students, with Xinyu Li listed as the founder and president.

Upon his arrest, Li admitted to recording the victims on both occasions and deleting the videos. A search of his phone revealed five videos of nude victims showering in Hamilton Hall, hidden within an application disguised as a calculator.

Author: CrimeDoor

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