Man Arrested for Impersonating Police Officer with Weapons and Drugs in Vehicle

A man was apprehended by the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office (SCCSO) after being caught impersonating a police officer. The incident occurred during a routine enforcement stop conducted by a Santa Clara County deputy, who noticed an SUV with expired registration. Upon closer inspection, the deputy observed that the sole occupant of the vehicle was wearing a uniform labeled “police,” complete with a duty belt and bulletproof vest.

Given the suspicious circumstances, the deputy requested consent to search the vehicle, which was granted. The search revealed a cache of alarming items, including two firearms, two batons, pepper spray, and methamphetamine. Additionally, the SUV was equipped with “code 3” police lights, for which the driver was held responsible. Notably, the suspect did not possess a guard card, as confirmed by the deputies.

The suspect was subsequently arrested on multiple charges, including impersonating a police officer, possession of firearms and drugs, and unauthorized use of emergency lights. The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office is actively investigating the incident to determine the individual’s motives and any potential connections to other criminal activities.

Author: CrimeDoor

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