Former Bucks County School Bus Driver Arrested for DUI and Child Endangerment

Former school bus driver Matthew Dudek has been arrested and charged with DUI and child endangerment. The incident, which occurred on December 15, 2023, involved Dudek driving a school bus while impaired with children on board.

According to court documents, Dudek’s blood alcohol content level was found to be nearly three times the legal limit after he submitted to a breathalyzer test. He confessed to drinking wine the night before and taking shots of vodka the next morning before reporting to work.

Parents like Kara Higgins expressed their shock and concern over the allegations, emphasizing that the safety of their children should be the top priority for bus drivers. Court documents revealed that Dudek also left the scene of a hit-and-run in Newtown Township before reporting to work as a school bus driver in the Council Rock School District.

Twelve students boarded Dudek’s bus at Holland Middle School, and although all students arrived home safely, one student reported to her parents that she believed the bus driver was impaired. The parents immediately notified Durham School Services, the transportation services contractor for Council Rock Schools, who then informed Richboro Elementary, where Dudek was scheduled to drive next.

Principal Jordan of Richboro Elementary confronted Dudek, who was still in the driver’s seat of the bus. She observed what appeared to be vomit on the bus floor and questioned Dudek about it, but he did not respond. Principal Jordan instructed Dudek not to leave the property and informed him that another bus was on its way. However, Dudek ignored her instructions, closed the door, and drove away without any passengers.

Dudek eventually returned to the Durham School Services bus yard on Swamp Road, where an employee noticed the smell of marijuana on him. This led to a further investigation by the police, who were able to link Dudek to the hit-and-run crash and DUI.

Durham School Services, in a statement issued to all Council Rock families, expressed their shock and emphasized that Dudek had passed all background checks and met all employment requirements. They assured parents that the safety of the students they transport is their priority and that they are fully cooperating with the authorities.

Formal charges were not brought against Dudek until January 23, 2024, and the case is currently awaiting a preliminary hearing. The Council Rock School District has taken swift action, terminating Dudek’s employment and working closely with Durham School Services to review safety protocols and ensure accountability.

The incident has raised concerns among parents and the community about the hiring process for school bus drivers and the need for stricter measures to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

As the investigation continues, the Council Rock School District has pledged to prioritize student safety and hold Durham School Services accountable for providing exceptional and safe bus service.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of ensuring the well-being of our children and the need for continuous vigilance in protecting them from potential harm.


Author: CrimeDoor

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