Brazen Thieves Execute Daring Jewelry Heist in West Hollywood

A daring jewelry heist unfolded in West Hollywood, California, as a group of audacious thieves successfully executed a meticulously planned operation. The shocking incident took place between June 17 and June 18 at Huener Jewelry, located on Santa Monica Boulevard. Surveillance footage captured the brazen criminals celebrating their illicit triumph, exchanging high-fives and even sharing hugs during the break-in.

Robert Goukasian, the son of the store owner, revealed to KABC, our sister station, that the group managed to abscond with the entire inventory of the store, including multiple safes. Initially, Goukasian believed the thieves had swiftly cut a hole through the wall, conducted a rapid robbery, and made a swift exit. However, it was later discovered that the heist had taken more than 24 hours to complete, as the store’s alarms failed to trigger.

The four suspects employed a two-pronged approach, making two separate trips to the store. Under the cover of darkness, they gained entry through an adjacent business by cutting a hole in the wall. Once inside, they systematically emptied two large safes, which housed a vast collection of unique and valuable jewelry pieces. Surveillance footage captured the criminals working in unison to access one of the safes, displaying a disturbing level of coordination and audacity.

Detectives are currently investigating potential connections between this group and other thefts in the area. The Goukasian family, who have owned the jewelry store since 1986, expressed their determination to persevere despite the devastating loss. “We’ve pretty much lost everything that we had in the store, but we are very optimistic. We are strong,” stated Goukasian.

Author: CrimeDoor

2 Responses

  1. The post highlights a daring jewelry heist that took place in West Hollywood, California. The thieves managed to carry out the operation with precision and careful planning.


    1. The audacity of the thieves: The fact that the thieves were able to carry out such a daring heist indicates their boldness and willingness to take risks. It suggests that they were confident in their abilities and had likely conducted similar operations before.

    2. Meticulous planning: The successful execution of the heist

  2. There are no errors or inaccuracies in the given statement. However, since no specific details are provided, it is difficult to verify the credibility of the claim.

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