A 6-year-old Texas boy named Jeremy Diaz succumbed to injuries sustained in a brutal attack two months ago. His father, Arturo Diaz, shared the devastating news in a GoFundMe update, revealing that Jeremy passed away on Tuesday morning after battling for over 60 days in the hospital.
On September 11, Jeremy was critically injured when their neighbor, 39-year-old Daniel Logan, allegedly broke into the Diaz home in Georgetown, Texas, and assaulted him with a baseball bat. Logan also reportedly attacked his own mother, Cynthia Logan, during the incident. According to the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office, Jeremy suffered severe skull fractures and brain swelling as a result of the attack.
The incident, which occurred early in the morning, was reported as a disturbance in progress. Kristen Logan, Daniel Logan’s wife, discovered her back door open and a shattered patio door at the neighbor’s house. She heard cries for help, leading to the discovery of the horrific scene. Cynthia Logan, found with a bloodied face, had attempted to intervene during the attack.
Daniel Logan, currently in custody with bonds totaling $650,000, faces charges of aggravated assault and intentionally causing serious bodily injury to a child. He was declared incompetent to stand trial in October and is scheduled for a mental health hearing on November 28.
Arturo Diaz mourned his son, describing Jeremy as a “wonderful and loving child” who lived by the Golden Rule. He expressed his pain over the ordeal, referring to his son’s final hours as “hell on earth.”
Authorities have not yet announced any upgraded charges against Logan following Jeremy’s death.