A woman identified as Oluchukwu Nwosu has allegedly sold her three-month-old grandson for N50,000 in Nnewi, Anambra State. The woman justified her actions by citing economic hardship, which she claimed was worsened by the removal of petrol subsidy. Oluchukwu explained that her daughter, Ijeoma, had previously given birth to two children and abandoned them for her to care for. She revealed that she sold the baby to a buyer named Tochukwu Asiegbu for the agreed sum of N50,000. The other two sons are currently being cared for by the state community children’s home in Awka.
The State Commissioner for Women and Social Welfare, Hon. Ify Obinabo, confirmed the incident and stated that the three-month-old baby has been rescued. The rescue followed a report by the baby’s mother, Ijeoma Nwosu, who claimed that her mother forcefully sold her baby soon after his birth and refused to disclose his whereabouts. The individuals involved in the act have been apprehended and handed over to the police for investigation and prosecution. Hon. Ify Obinabo expressed concern about the increasing rate of illegal adoption of children, despite government efforts to combat such activities. She warned that anyone found involved in any form of unlawful adoption would face legal consequences.