On March 26, 2018, Jennifer and Sarah Hart left their home in Woodland, Wash., and traveled to California where Jennifer drove their SUV off a cliff near Westport. Inside the SUV with them were their six adopted children, Hannah, 16; Markis, 19; Jeremiah, 14; Abigail, 14; Ciera, 12; and Devonte, 15. The bodies of five of the children were found in or nearby the vehicle, as were Jennifer and Sarah. Devonte’s body has never been found, although police said they believe he was in the vehicle.
An investigation revealed the SUV might have been driven off the cliff intentionally. Toxicology reports showed that Jennifer, who was driving, was intoxicated. Sarah and two of the children had tested positive for the active ingredient in Benadryl. Police investigated further into the lives of Jennifer and Sarah Hart. Their last Google searches included effects of Benadryl, how long it would take to die of hypothermia while drowning, and the nature of drowning. The police also found reports of abuse, odd behavior, even a domestic assault charge.
The case was ruled a murder-suicide.