Thieves Steal Thousands of Dollars Worth of Cooking Oil from Georgia Chick-fil-A

Thieves Steal Thousands of Dollars Worth of Cooking Oil from Georgia Chick-fil-A

Thieves targeted a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Athens, Georgia, stealing at least $2,000 worth of cooking oil, according to a report filed by the fast food chain. The report stated that up to 800 gallons of oil were stolen, with the most recent incident occurring in the early morning hours of October 5. The suspects allegedly arrived at the restaurant in a U-Haul branded moving truck and focused their attention on the dumpster where used oil is stored before recycling.

A manager for the company revealed that two men were observed unloading and making off with approximately 200 to 300 gallons of oil. The thieves caused significant damage to a lock and chain in order to gain access to the stored oil. The thefts are believed to have taken place over several months, with this being at least the fourth reported incident. The police investigation into the matter is ongoing, and authorities are working to identify the suspects.


Author: CrimeDoor

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