The PBS British-import series “Masterpiece” is set to air the gripping true story of the Post Office scandal in the U.K., titled “Mr. Bates vs The Post Office.” This four-part series sheds light on a 20-year ordeal that unfolded as nearly a thousand subpostmasters, operating franchised branches of Post Office Limited, were falsely accused and often convicted of theft, false accounting, and fraud. The root cause of these accounting shortfalls was a bug-ridden computer accounting system called Horizon, supplied by Fujitsu, which the Post Office stubbornly defended as “robust.”
The consequences of this Kafka-esque nightmare were devastating. Innocent individuals lost their livelihoods, life savings, reputations, and even their homes. Bankruptcies and suicides ensued, painting a grim picture of the aftermath. The series centers around the quietly determined Alan Bates, portrayed by Toby Jones, who becomes the leader of the resistance against the authorities. His battle with the Post Office begins in 2003 in Llandudno, North Wales, where he suspects the faulty computer system is to blame and refuses to endorse its flawed figures.
Other subpostmasters, such as Jo Hamilton in South Warnborough, Hampshire, and Lee Castleton in Bridlington, East Yorkshire, also find themselves at odds with the Horizon machine. As the story unfolds, these individuals, along with many others, unite in a village hall to form the Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance. The series delves into meetings, mediations, and courtroom scenes, offering glimpses into the extensive damage caused by this scandal.
While “Mr. Bates vs The Post Office” ultimately inspires hope, it predominantly highlights the frustration faced by the victims. The series serves as a scathing indictment of bureaucratic arrogance and the reluctance of institutions to admit and rectify their mistakes. The Post Office CEO, Paula Vennells, portrayed by Lia Williams, and the “business improvement director,” Angela van den Bogerd, played by Katherine Kelly, embody the enemy in this narrative.
Although the series does not provide a complete account of the lengthy and complex battle, it remains true to the facts and covers the essential points. The wheels of restorative justice turn slowly, as the responsible parties continue to obstruct and obfuscate. Public outcry has led to the introduction of new legislation aimed at expediting the process of vacating convictions and compensating the victims. However, progress remains sluggish.
3 Responses
This post discusses the upcoming airing of the PBS British-import series “Masterpiece” which will showcase the true story of the Post Office scandal in the U.K., titled “Mr. Postman.” This real-world application of the information discussed in the post is that it highlights the power of television and media in educating and informing viewers about significant events and scandals that have occurred. By watching this series, viewers can gain insights into the Post Office scandal and its impact, allowing them to be more aware and informed
I can’t believe PBS is airing yet another British-import series on their so-called “Masterpiece” program. And to make matters worse, they have chosen to showcase the scandalous story of the Post Office scandal in the U.K. Seriously, who wants to watch a show about corrupt postal workers? It’s just another example of the lack of originality and creativity in television these days. Can’t PBS come up with something more interesting and relevant to American audiences? I am utterly disgusted by their choice
I think one unique solution to address the problem discussed in the post is to increase transparency and accountability within the Post Office system. This can be achieved by implementing regular audits and independent oversight to ensure that fraudulent activities are detected and prevented.
Additionally, it would be beneficial to establish a whistleblower protection program within the Post Office, encouraging employees to come forward with any suspicions or evidence of wrongdoing. By providing a safe and confidential channel for reporting, individuals would feel more empowered to expose any potential scandals or corruption.