The infamous O.J. Simpson car chase, which took place on June 17, 1994, remains etched in the collective memory of the American public. The pursuit unfolded during prime time, capturing the attention of millions of viewers. Simpson, a former football star, was being sought by the police for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman. As law enforcement closed in on Simpson on a Southern California freeway, a TV news helicopter provided live coverage of the event.
CNN’s Larry King interrupted his show to broadcast the unfolding car chase, which lasted for two and a half hours. The major broadcast networks also aired the chase, attracting a staggering 95 million viewers. By the end of the night, Simpson was apprehended, making him “the most famous person ever charged with murder in the United States,” as described by King.
The O.J. Simpson case marked a significant turning point in American media. It occurred before the era of broadband internet, social media, and smartphones, when a limited number of networks and newspaper columnists dominated the news landscape. The trial and subsequent media coverage raised serious questions about race, crime, and societal status. The case coincided with the rise of cable news, the expansion of news magazines, and the continued prominence of network news.
Critics accused the networks of overkill and exploitation, but certain TV producers and shows, such as Jeff Zucker and Today, recognized the opportunity to stand out from the competition. NBC’s extensive coverage of the trial propelled its morning show, Today, ahead of ABC’s Good Morning America. Larry King Live became the go-to program for O.J. Simpson coverage, benefiting from King’s personal connections to Simpson and other key figures in the case.
The Simpson trial became a spectacle of unprecedented proportions, hijacking American culture and captivating the nation. It set the stage for the future saturation of news and the emergence of reality television. The trial’s length and the celebrification of individuals like Johnnie Cochran and Kato Kaelin foreshadowed the modern concept of the internet having a “main character” every day.
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