Telegram, the popular messaging app, has issued an apology to South Korean authorities for its handling of deepfake pornographic material shared on its platform. This comes in the midst of a digital sex crime epidemic in the country, prompting a police investigation into Telegram’s alleged involvement in the distribution of such explicit images.
In recent weeks, numerous Telegram chatrooms, many of which were operated by teenagers, were discovered to be creating sexually explicit “deepfakes” using manipulated photographs of young women. These deepfakes, generated using artificial intelligence, combine the face of a real person with a fake body. South Korean authorities have reported that Telegram has since removed these videos from its platform.
In response to the situation, Telegram issued a statement to South Korea’s Communications Standards Commission (KCSC), expressing regret and acknowledging any potential misunderstandings. The company confirmed that it had complied with KCSC’s request to take down 25 videos. Additionally, Telegram proposed an email address dedicated to future communication with the regulatory body, a move described by KCSC as “very forward-looking.” The commission also noted that Telegram has recognized the seriousness of the issue.
The recent deepfake crisis has sparked outrage in South Korea, particularly after journalists uncovered police investigations into deepfake porn rings at major universities in the country. Within the last five days alone, authorities received 118 reports of such videos, leading to the questioning of seven suspects, six of whom are teenagers. The chat groups involved were linked to various schools and universities across the nation, with many victims being students and teachers known to the perpetrators.
South Korea has strict penalties for those found guilty of creating sexually explicit deepfakes, including imprisonment for up to five years and fines of up to 50 million won ($37,500; £28,300).
These developments in South Korea follow the arrest of Pavel Durov, the Russian-born founder of Telegram, in France. Durov faces allegations of child pornography, drug trafficking, and fraud related to activities on the messaging app. President Yoon Suk Yeol has instructed authorities to thoroughly investigate and address these digital sex crimes to eradicate them.
Women’s rights activists have criticized South Korean authorities for allowing sexual abuse to occur on Telegram. In 2019, it was revealed that a sex ring had exploited the app to blackmail numerous women and children into filming pornographic content. The leader of the ring, Cho Ju-bin, who was 20 years old at the time, was subsequently sentenced to 42 years in prison.
2 Responses
This is an important issue that highlights the challenges of moderating content on messaging platforms. It’s great to see Telegram taking responsibility and addressing the concerns raised by South Korean authorities. I’ll be sharing this post on my social media to help spread awareness about the implications of deepfake technology and the need for better content regulation. Thank you for bringing this to light!
The statement regarding Telegram issuing an apology to South Korean authorities for its handling of deepfake pornographic material appears to lack credible sources or specific details. As of my last update in October 2023, there were no widely reported incidents or official statements confirming that Telegram had apologized to South Korean authorities specifically for this issue.
To verify such claims, it is essential to check reputable news sources or official statements from Telegram or South Korean authorities. For instance, you could refer to articles from major news outlets like BBC