A suspect, identified as 19-year-old Maiya Green, reportedly crashed into a cement truck and a car carrying two small children while fleeing Vallejo authorities on Friday. The incident gained widespread media attention when Green’s arresting officer punched her in the head. According to police, Green was resisting arrest and attempting to escape when the officer struck her.
Prior to the incident, Green had been arrested just days earlier for allegedly stealing $44,000 in merchandise from a Sunglass Hut in San Luis Obispo. On Friday, staff at a business in Vallejo flagged down an officer, reporting that two individuals had stolen over $1,000 worth of merchandise. The officer attempted to pull over the suspects’ blue Nissan Altima, but Green refused to stop. She ran a red light and crashed into two other vehicles during a short pursuit.
One woman in an SUV sustained moderate injuries, but her two 4-year-old sons were unharmed. The cement truck driver was not injured. After the fleeing vehicle came to a stop, a passenger fled on foot before the officer could apprehend them. The officer then opened the driver’s side door and attempted to arrest Green.
A TikTok video of the incident, which has gained significant attention, shows the officer pulling Green out of the car and slamming her against the cement truck. Green tries to run away but is stopped by the officer, who throws her to the ground and punches her. Green can be heard shouting as the officer handcuffs her and takes her into custody.
Attorney General Rob Bonta described the video as “disturbing” and “concerning” during an unrelated press conference on Monday. He stated that a review of the incident was just beginning and emphasized the importance of accountability.
Police allege that Green is a repeat offender with multiple warrants for her arrest, including one for grand theft in Napa and another for burglary in San Mateo. The Vallejo business also provided evidence that Green and her accomplice had stolen an additional $1,000 worth of merchandise on September 26.
The officer involved in the incident has not been named by the Vallejo Police Department.