A small town mayor in Bamban, Philippines, named Alice Guo, has gone into hiding after being accused of being a Chinese spy. The mayor, who has been at the center of a scandal involving scam centers discovered in her town, was not found at any of her known addresses when police attempted to execute an arrest warrant over the weekend.
The scam centers, which were concealed within online casinos catering to mainland Chinese, were uncovered in March. This revelation led to suspicions about Guo’s Chinese parentage and allegations that she was working as an “asset” or spy for Beijing. The case has captivated the nation, particularly as tensions between Manila and Beijing continue to escalate over territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
Last Friday, the Senate ordered the arrest of Guo and some members of her family after she repeatedly ignored summons to appear in hearings related to the scam centers. Senator Risa Hontiveros, who is leading the parliamentary investigation, urged Guo and her family to come forward, stating that hiding would not erase the truth.
Guo, however, denies any wrongdoing and claims to be a Filipino raised by her Chinese father and Filipina mother on their pig farm. Senator Sherwin Gatchalian, who is also involved in the investigation, disputes Guo’s claims, citing immigration records that suggest she is a Chinese national named Guo Hua Ping. Gatchalian believes Guo is hiding to evade arrest and has vowed to continue searching for her.
In a Facebook post on the day the arrest warrant was issued, Guo addressed her constituents, expressing regret for not being physically present and assuring them that her absence would be temporary. She also emphasized her love for the Philippines and her dedication to serving Bamban.
Guo’s lawyer, Nicole Jamilla, stated that her client would cooperate with official investigations. In addition to the Senate inquiry, Guo is also facing a separate anti-graft probe that has resulted in her suspension from office.
The scam centers in Bamban have shed light on the use of online casinos, known as Pogos (Philippine Online Gaming Operations), as a cover for various criminal activities, including text scams and human trafficking. Some crime rings associated with Pogos have even established hospitals offering cosmetic surgery to fugitives seeking new identities.
Pogos experienced significant growth during the presidency of Rodrigo Duterte, who had close ties to China. However, under current President Ferdinand Marcos, Pogos have come under increased scrutiny. If it is proven that Guo is indeed a Chinese citizen, she would be ineligible to hold the position of mayor, as only Filipino citizens are allowed to hold elective office.
Despite the allegations against her, Guo’s constituents appreciate her social outreach programs, which are well-documented on her social media pages. Many residents credit her with bringing positive change to Bamban.