In a unique field of forensic science, Michel Cramer Bornemann and his firm, Sleep Forensics Associates (SFA), delve into the enigmatic world of parasomnias — unusual and unintended behaviors during sleep — to provide crucial insights in criminal cases. SFA, based in St. Paul, Minnesota, was founded in 2006 by Cramer Bornemann, along with neurologist Mark Mahowald and psychiatrist Carlos Schenck, both professors at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Their mission: to offer valid scientific analysis in criminal cases where abnormal sleep behaviors are a factor.
The concept of SFA emerged from the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center, where Cramer Bornemann and Mahowald were directors. SFA’s expertise stems from the realization that consciousness is not a binary state; it exists on a spectrum, and the blurring of sleep and wake states can lead to strange, sometimes violent acts.
Schenck’s initial encounter with parasomnias dates back to 1982 when he met a patient at the Minnesota center who experienced what was later termed REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD). This disorder allows people to physically enact their dreams, leading to potential violence. The discovery of RBD by Mahowald and Schenck in the 1980s was a milestone, revealing that neurological degeneration often causes the temporary suspension of paralysis during REM sleep. This led to a deeper understanding of parasomnias and their implications in forensic science.
Cramer Bornemann’s journey into sleep medicine began in 1998 at Mahowald’s sleep center. His extensive work in pulmonary medicine and subsequent specialization in sleep disorders positioned him perfectly for his role in SFA. His research, along with Mahowald and Schenck, showed that parasomnias often emerge during transitions between different sleep phases and that these could trigger primitive, instinctual responses, sometimes leading to deadly consequences.
SFA’s objective is to differentiate between genuine parasomnias and deliberate criminal acts, a task that has gained credibility and importance in legal proceedings. As Avidan and Kushida, directors at the UCLA and Stanford University Sleep Centers respectively, affirm, SFA’s founders are established researchers in the field, bringing significant expertise to the table.
Cramer Bornemann’s role involves determining the degree of consciousness during these episodes to assess culpability. This involves understanding the nuances of sleep science and its legal implications. His dedication and expertise in this field are acknowledged by peers like Francesca Ingravallo from the University of Bologna and attorney Susan Elizabeth Reese.
SFA’s review of sleep-related violence has led to the conclusion that various sleep disorders can result in violent behaviors, including murder and sexual assault. The team’s extensive case studies provide valuable insights into these rare and strange parasomnias.
In one notable case, Cramer Bornemann investigated an elderly man accused of murdering his wife. His analysis suggested a neurological event related to a seizure during sleep, leading to the man’s exoneration. In contrast, another case involved a man whose behavior did not align with parasomnia-related violence, resulting in his conviction.
Cramer Bornemann and SFA’s work emphasize the complexity of human behavior during sleep and its potential consequences. Their investigations have highlighted that individuals have less control over their behaviors than presumed, especially in the domain of sleep. This understanding is critical in legal contexts where the interplay of consciousness and unconsciousness can lead to perplexing outcomes.
Additionally, SFA’s exploration into the realm of parasomnias is not limited to violent cases. They cover a wide range of unintentional behaviors during sleep transitions. Parasomnias such as sleepwalking and bed-wetting are more common than generally perceived. Sleepwalking encompasses a variety of activities beyond mere walking, like eating, inappropriate urination, and even driving. Bed-wetting, on the other hand, is a common issue, particularly in children.
Cramer Bornemann’s and SFA’s contributions go beyond providing legal services; they aim to advance the understanding of these complex sleep behaviors. Their work in sleep forensics is not just about aiding the legal process but also about uncovering the deeper workings of the human brain during sleep.
The blending of hard and soft sciences in sleep medicine, as highlighted by Cramer Bornemann, underlines the need for an observational approach in understanding and predicting behavioral patterns. SFA’s mission is to unveil the secrets of the nocturnal realm, one patient at a time, contributing significantly to the broader understanding of sleep and its anomalies.