In a shocking turn of events, Shohei Ohtani, the renowned baseball superstar, has discovered an alleged massive theft by his former interpreter, Ippei Mizuhara. The incident unfolded during a meeting in the locker room after the Dodgers’ season-opening win in Seoul, South Korea. Ohtani, who is not fluent in English but has a basic understanding, became aware of the theft when Mizuhara confessed to having a gambling problem and apologized for his actions.
According to sources close to Ohtani, it was during this meeting that the president of the Dodgers revealed that Ohtani had paid off Mizuhara’s gambling debts. This revelation sparked Ohtani’s suspicion, prompting him to seek answers through a different interpreter. It was through this new interpreter that Ohtani learned about the missing funds from his account.
Ohtani’s lawyers, from the West Hollywood law firm Berk Brettler, released a statement on Wednesday, stating that their client had fallen victim to a massive theft. The statement did not disclose the identity of the perpetrator. However, the Los Angeles Times reported that Mizuhara is alleged to have stolen millions of dollars to settle his gambling debts.
The situation took a bizarre turn when ESPN reported that Mizuhara claimed in a 90-minute interview that Ohtani was aware of the debts and had agreed to help pay them off. However, both Mizuhara and Ohtani’s lawyers denied these claims, asserting that Ohtani had no knowledge of the gambling or the repayment of the debts.
Following the revelation, Ohtani did not speak with reporters after the Dodgers’ second game against the Padres in Seoul. The baseball community remains stunned as they try to comprehend the extent of the alleged theft and the implications it may have on Ohtani’s career.