Renowned director Ridley Scott expressed frustration as federal agents conducted a raid on his neighbor Sean “Diddy” Combs’ property in the upmarket Holmby Hills area of Los Angeles. The raid was part of a federal sex trafficking investigation, which prompted law enforcement officers to seize Combs’ phones and computers. Scott, 86, was seen speaking to police officers behind a cordoned-off area marked with yellow tape outside his plush California residence.
The Holmby Hills neighborhood has been home to several notable figures over the years, including Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand, and Michael Jackson. The raid on Combs’ property involved both Los Angeles and Miami law enforcement officers, with similar actions planned for New York and Chicago.
During the raid, Diddy’s sons, Justin and King Combs, were briefly detained but not arrested, as they are not believed to be involved in the ongoing investigation. Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) New York, in collaboration with HSI Los Angeles and HSI Miami, executed the law enforcement actions as part of the ongoing probe.
Following the raid, Diddy was seen pacing outside the Customs office at Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport, where he and his companions were briefly stopped and questioned by investigators. Diddy’s attorney, Aaron Dyer, criticized the “military-level force” used during the search, describing it as excessive. Dyer labeled the allegations against his client as a “witch hunt” and emphasized that Diddy had cooperated with authorities.
The Homeland Security Investigations Human Trafficking Task Force conducted the raids based on a search warrant issued by the Southern District of New York. Diddy has not been arrested or charged, and his travel has not been restricted in any way.