Notorious gangster Dave Courtney, known for his association with the Kray twins and as the alleged inspiration for Vinnie Jones’ character Big Chris in Guy Ritchie’s film “Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,” was found dead at his home in Plumstead, London. The 64-year-old was discovered with a gunshot wound to the head on Sunday (22.10.23). A statement posted on Courtney’s Instagram confirmed his death and stated that he had taken his own life. The Metropolitan Police are treating his death as unexpected and are currently investigating the incident. No arrests have been made.
Courtney’s neighbor, Sheila Wellcome, expressed her shock and sadness upon hearing the news. She mentioned that Courtney had been suffering from arthritis but seemed in good spirits after attending a football match the previous night. Wellcome also revealed that Courtney owned several decommissioned firearms, which he considered to be ornaments.
Dave Courtney, who referred to himself as Dave Courtney OBE (One Big Ego), had a colorful past and had appeared in court earlier this year on weapons-related charges. However, the charges were dropped after they were determined to be props for a film. Courtney had also claimed to have been shot, stabbed, and had his nose bitten off during his life of crime and violence.
In addition to his criminal background, Courtney had pursued a career in acting and writing. He appeared in various low-budget crime films and was working on his 10th book at the time of his death.