Newly unsealed video footage has emerged, revealing that a suspected Saudi spy, Omar al-Bayoumi, was filming the US Capitol and National Monument just months before the devastating September 11 terrorist attack. The video, dating back to 1999, features al-Bayoumi narrating as he surveys the iconic landmarks in Washington, D.C. This revelation has raised concerns about potential Saudi government involvement in the 9/11 attacks, contradicting the US government’s previous claims that al Qaeda acted alone.
Retired FBI Agent Richard Lambert, who is now a consultant on the case filed by the families of 9/11 victims seeking to hold Saudi Arabia accountable, asserts that the video provides further evidence of Saudi complicity. Lambert describes the footage as a significant piece of evidence, adding to the mounting body of proof suggesting the Saudi government’s involvement in the attacks.
During the video, al-Bayoumi refers to a “plan,” indicating that it may have assisted al Qaeda in selecting their targets. Investigators have long believed that Flight 93’s intended target was the US Capitol, but the passengers’ heroic revolt led to its crash in Pennsylvania. Another plane struck the Pentagon, while two others hit the Twin Towers in Manhattan.
Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell, who had not previously seen the video, stated that it is undoubtedly a “casing video” for a potential terrorist attack. Morell expressed his confidence that if he had been aware of the video during his tenure as the president’s briefer, he would have shared it with the president.
Retired FBI Agent Ken Williams, who worked on the 9/11 investigation, raised concerns about the delayed release of the video, which was provided to the US following a British raid on al-Bayoumi’s UK residence in 2001. Williams questions whether the video was overlooked or deliberately ignored, emphasizing the need for accountability.
The tape was unsealed last week in federal court as part of the ongoing case against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The FBI has refrained from commenting on the video and the overall case due to the ongoing litigation.
1 Response
I remember reading about this incident a few years ago, and it was quite shocking to learn about the suspected Saudi spy filming the US Capitol and National Monument before the September 11 attack. It brought back memories of that tragic day and the impact it had on the world.
I was in high school when the September 11 attacks happened, and I remember the fear and confusion that swept through our community. It was a day that changed everything, and the aftermath of the attacks had a profound effect on everyone