A model named Pim Apatsara, aged 22, is now facing the possibility of spending five years behind bars for taking ‘upskirt’ pictures at a revered royal monument in Buriram province, Thailand. The incident occurred on March 24 when Pim posed in revealing clothing in front of the King Rama I statue, wearing a short brown skirt with striped underwear and a red top. She captioned the image with the message, “Please visit my city.”
The provocative pictures quickly sparked outrage among locals, who hold deep respect for the country’s royal history. Enraged by the model’s actions, concerned citizens promptly reported the incident to the police. In an attempt to make amends, Pim later posted a photo of herself paying respect to the statue, apologizing for her previous actions and expressing her desire to promote the city.
Following the public outcry, Police Major General Rutthaphol Naowarat, commander of Buriram Provincial Police, ordered a search for Pim and summoned her to the region’s top police station on March 25. During the interrogation, Pim admitted to taking and sharing the photograph, claiming she had no intention of tarnishing the province’s image. She expressed remorse for her lack of consideration and apologized for any offense caused, particularly to those whose beliefs were affected.
However, Pim’s explanation did not absolve her of legal consequences. Police Colonel Chamras Sirileang, superintendent of Mueang Buriram Police Station, confirmed that the young woman has been charged with “importing pornography into the computer system.” This offense carries a potential prison sentence of up to five years, a fine of up to 100,000 baht ($4000), or both. Additionally, she faces charges of public obscenity, which could result in a fine of up to 500 baht ($20).
Pim has been handed over to the prosecution case officer for further legal proceedings. It is important to note that Thailand’s Lese Majeste law strictly prohibits any criticism or offense towards the royal family, and Thais generally hold a deep reverence for their monarchy and its history.
1 Response
It is truly disheartening to hear about incidents like these where individuals invade someone’s privacy for their own gratification. Taking upskirt pictures is a clear violation of personal boundaries and should be treated as a serious offense. It is important for society to send a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated. The potential punishment of five years in prison seems appropriate in this case, as it serves as a deterrent for others who might consider engaging in similar actions. It is crucial that we create a