In a stunning display of audacity and sophistication, thieves executed a massive heist at a GardaWorld facility in Sylmar, California, leaving the community shaken. The incident, believed to be one of the largest in Los Angeles history, occurred at a warehouse on Roxford Street where cash from businesses across the Southland is handled and stored.
The heist, which is currently under investigation by the FBI and the Los Angeles Police Department, involved the thieves breaching the single-story building through its roof to gain access to the vault. Remarkably, they managed to bypass the property’s alarm system, indicating a high level of planning and expertise.
The crime, estimated to have resulted in the theft of up to $30 million, was discovered by GardaWorld only when they opened the vault on Monday. The Montreal-based security services company has not yet provided any comment on the incident.
Residents of the Tahitian Mobile Home Park, located near the breached facility, were initially unaware of the heist. However, one resident recalls hearing a strange mechanical sound, possibly originating from a neighboring industrial building, during the time of the crime. The incident has left her unsettled, emphasizing the invasion of personal space caused by such criminal acts.
Authorities have revealed little about the details of the heist, but it has been reported that the thieves also attempted to breach the side of the GardaWorld building. The investigation is ongoing to determine whether this was part of their entry or exit strategy.
The community of Sylmar, known for its tranquility, has been rattled by the audacious heist. Local residents and merchants expressed shock that such a high-profile crime could occur in their midst. However, some individuals, like Victor Benitez, highlighted ongoing issues of street crime and violence in the area, suggesting that the heist was just another unfortunate event in a troubled neighborhood.
Sandi Gomez, a resident of the mobile home park, was interviewed by both the FBI and the LAPD regarding any suspicious activity she may have witnessed. However, she stated that she was asleep at the time of the incident and did not notice anything unusual. The investigation also included inquiries about a security camera mounted on her home, which she clarified only provides a live view and does not record footage.
The GardaWorld facility, owned by World Oil Corp, has been the sole tenant of the building since its construction in 2000. The property, surrounded by fences, unkempt foliage, and a line of trees, is located near active train tracks.
This heist comes nearly two years after the unsolved multimillion-dollar theft of jewelry from a Brink’s big rig at a Grapevine truck stop. Rooftop burglaries, although rare in Los Angeles, have occurred in recent years, including a notable incident at Lincoln Fine Wines in Venice, where thieves cut a hole in the roof and stole approximately $600,000 worth of wine.