A shocking incident unfolded at Diamond Ranch High School in Pomona on Thursday, as captured in a now-viral video. The footage, submitted by a concerned parent and posted on KTLA_TV, shows a man dressed in black brandishing a firearm and menacing a group of students. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has confirmed that an investigation is underway, but as of now, the suspect remains unidentified.
According to a statement from the Sheriff’s Department, deputies were dispatched to the school at approximately 3:30 p.m. in response to a report of several armed individuals entering the campus and assaulting a student. The victim, who was interviewed by the deputies, recounted that he had been sitting outside the school when the group approached him, leading to a heated argument. The situation escalated when one of the men produced a firearm and struck the student with it. The assailants swiftly fled the school premises, leaving the victim with minor injuries.
Pomona Unified School District Superintendent Darren Knowles addressed the incident in a message to staff and parents, stating that the individuals involved are not students and their identities remain unknown. Knowles assured the community that the district is cooperating with local authorities to aid in the apprehension of the suspects. As a precautionary measure, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, along with additional Pomona Unified School District Security personnel, will be present on campus the following day to ensure the safety of the students.
The investigation into this alarming incident is ongoing, and the Sheriff’s Department is diligently working to gather more information. Updates will be provided to parents, students, and staff as new details emerge.
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What do you think this viral video says about the state of safety in schools today?