In a recent development, a man named Steven Hanna, also known as Richard Onteveros, has confessed to strangling Benjamin Hemmann in a homicide case in Castro Valley, California. Hemmann’s body was discovered near Redwood Road on September 6, 2021, after a motorcyclist reported it to authorities. Court records reveal that Hemmann had been bound, gagged, and strangled with a dog leash-like object.
During the investigation, police identified a blue Toyota Tacoma with stolen plates as the only vehicle present in the area at the time of the crime. The truck had a distinctive modification—a small Baby Yoda doll tied to the grill. Subsequently, police obtained a confession from Hanna, who claimed sole responsibility for the murder. Additionally, Kevin Paul Woodruff and Bryan Wu were arrested in connection with the case.
Woodruff’s wife initially provided crucial information, recounting how Wu had demeaned Hemmann while he begged for his life on Skyline Boulevard in Oakland. She later attempted to recant her statement, citing mental illness and intimidation by investigators. However, her statement aligned with physical evidence at the crime scene, text messages she sent to Wu’s girlfriend, and GPS data showing their presence near the crime scene.
The three suspects—Woodruff, Wu, and Hanna—have been charged with robbery, kidnapping, and murder. They are currently in custody without bail, and their trial is tentatively scheduled for September 15.
Prior to the suspects’ identification, authorities focused on Hemmann’s family and a series of suspicious incidents at his San Leandro residence. These events included Hemmann dropping off his brother at a hospital with a gunshot wound, a missing person’s report for Hemmann’s father (who was found at home), and a stolen car report that was later retracted when it was discovered that Hemmann had taken the vehicle. The Hemmanns’ home was also set on fire, causing significant damage.
The investigation took a significant turn when a San Leandro police raid at Woodruff’s San Lorenzo home uncovered a military jacket with Hemmann’s name and a notebook containing Hemmann’s father’s personal information. A blue BMW X5 SUV, similar to the one seen near Hemmann’s residence on the day of the murder, was parked outside the house.
The case further progressed when Hanna led Solano County Sheriff’s deputies on a chase through multiple cities, ultimately ramming a patrol car. The subsequent search of Hanna’s blue Toyota Tacoma revealed three cellphones, black ratchet straps, and the small Baby Yoda doll tied to the truck’s grill.
Woodruff’s wife was arrested on suspicion of murdering Hemmann after police confronted her with text messages she had sent to Wu’s girlfriend on the day of the homicide. However, she has not been formally charged with a crime.