A man was arrested in Midtown Manhattan after he launched various pieces of patio furniture, including a lawn chair, off a 20-story highrise on Monday. The incident, captured on camera, occurred amidst a delusional and paranoid crisis that the man had been experiencing. The accused, Jean Luke Olivier, 33, had contacted his older brother, Jean Bernard Olivier, 51, two days prior, claiming that people were trying to kill him.
Jean Bernard Olivier, in an interview with The Post, revealed that his younger brother had been displaying manic behavior for some time. Jean Luke had moved from Haiti to live with his brother in Miami in early 2023 but was eventually asked to leave due to issues related to anger. Bernard recalled an incident where his brother had conflicts with his wife and daughter, leading to his eviction from their home. Following this, Jean Luke moved to Arkansas to live with a girlfriend, but after their breakup, he relocated to New York City.
Bernard expressed concern about his brother’s mental state, stating, “From the way he’s been acting since arriving in the US, I think he has mental problems.” Prior to the furniture-throwing incident, Jean Luke had visited the Consulate General of Haiti located at 555 Fifth Ave., according to police sources.
Jean Luke Olivier was subsequently arrested and charged with felony reckless endangerment and criminal mischief. He pleaded not guilty and was released without bail by a Manhattan judge on Tuesday. Attempts to reach Jean Luke for comment were unsuccessful.
1 Response
While the author portrays this incident as a dangerous and criminal act, it is important to consider alternative perspectives before jumping to conclusions. This man’s actions may have been a result of frustration or desperation, rather than a deliberate attempt to cause harm. Perhaps he was facing personal or financial difficulties that led him to act out in this manner. Instead of immediately labeling him as a criminal, it would be more productive to explore the underlying reasons for his behavior and address any potential mental health or emotional issues he may be