Lil Wayne, the renowned rapper, is facing a lawsuit filed by his former bodyguard, Carlos Christian, alleging assault and threats with a firearm. Legal documents obtained by TMZ reveal that Christian claimed Lil Wayne punched him in the ear and threatened to shoot him with a semiautomatic rifle. The incident reportedly took place in December 2021 at Lil Wayne’s residence in Hidden Hills, California.
Christian, taking into account Lil Wayne’s past history with weapons charges, reported the alleged assault and threat to law enforcement. However, sources close to Lil Wayne denied any escalation and stated that he did not possess a firearm. The artist has not responded to the lawsuit at the time of writing.
According to the legal documents, Carlos Christian has prepared a comprehensive case against Lil Wayne, seeking compensatory and punitive damages. Christian claims that the alleged attack and threat caused him medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional distress.
It remains uncertain whether this lawsuit will be resolved quickly or if Lil Wayne will opt to take it to court. Additionally, Lil Wayne’s ongoing feud with [name] may also impact the situation, depending on the prosecution’s handling of evidence.