In a shocking turn of events, Kouri Richins, a renowned Kamas author recognized for her children’s book on coping with grief, finds herself at the center of a high-profile murder trial. The 33-year-old writer is facing charges of aggravated murder, a first-degree felony, along with three counts of possession with intent to distribute.
Drawing information from court documents and civil cases, here is a detailed timeline of the events leading up to the trial:
– Between 2015 and 2017, Kouri allegedly obtained four life insurance policies worth a combined total of $1,947, with her late husband, Eric Richins, as the insured party.
– In October 2020, Eric sought legal counsel to explore divorce and estate planning options. He altered his will, creating the Eric Richins Living Trust and placing his estate under the control of his sister, Katie Richins-Benson, for the benefit of their three children. Eric also transferred his partnership interest in his business to the Trust and changed the beneficiary of his $500,000 life insurance policy to the Trust as well.
– On January 1, 2022, Kouri allegedly manipulated the beneficiary designation of Eric’s $2 million life insurance policy without authorization. However, the insurance holder uncovered this discrepancy and restored Eric’s business partner as the rightful beneficiary.
– In late January and February 2022, Kouri repeatedly contacted a friend, seeking prescription pain medication initially and later requesting fentanyl, euphemistically referred to as “the Michael Jackson stuff.” Their conversations resulted in Kouri allegedly obtaining 15-20 fentanyl pills for a staggering sum of $900.
– On February 14, 2022, Eric and Kouri shared a Valentine’s Day dinner at their Kamas home. Tragically, shortly after the meal, Eric fell severely ill and confided in a friend, suspecting his wife of attempting to poison him.
– The saga continued on February 26, 2022, when Kouri reached out to her friend once more, seeking additional fentanyl pills, which were left at the same Midway house where Kouri was involved in a real estate project.
– March 3, 2022, marked a day of celebration for Kouri, as she closed a real estate deal for her business. She claimed to have made Eric a Moscow Mule drink, which he consumed in bed along with a THC gummy. Kouri stated that she fell asleep after tending to one of their children’s bedtime routines.
– The following morning, March 4, 2022, Kouri woke up to a devastating discovery. She found Eric lifeless at the foot of their bed and immediately dialed emergency services. However, suspicious activity surrounding Kouri’s phone, including locked and unlocked sessions, messages sent and received during the night, and subsequent deletions, raised eyebrows.
– An autopsy revealed that Eric Richins had died from an overdose of illicit fentanyl, with the amount detected in his system being five times the lethal dosage. The medical examiner determined that Eric had ingested the fentanyl orally.
– On May 8, 2023, Kouri was apprehended and charged with aggravated murder and three counts of possession of drugs with intent to distribute. It is crucial to note that these charges are still allegations, and Kouri, like any other accused person, is presumed innocent unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
This case has caught nationwide attention, thrusting Kouri Richins into the spotlight. While she initially gained acclaim for her children’s book, the circumstances surrounding her husband’s untimely demise have shifted the narrative significantly. As the trial unfolds, the court will consider the evidence and determine the truth behind this shocking crime.
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