Josh Peck, former co-star of the popular Nickelodeon show “Drake & Josh,” has addressed the abuse allegations brought to light in the recently released documentary series, “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV.” The four-part docuseries, produced by Investigation Discovery, sheds light on the disturbing experiences of former Nickelodeon cast and crew members, including Drake Bell, who suffered abuse at the hands of a dialogue coach.
In an emotional statement shared on Instagram, Peck expressed his support for the survivors who bravely shared their stories of emotional and physical abuse on Nickelodeon sets. He emphasized the importance of protecting children and hoped that the documentary would bring healing to the victims and their families, as well as drive necessary change within the industry.
Peck’s statement follows Bell’s defense of him against fans who criticized his perceived silence. Bell, whose account is among the documentary’s most harrowing, revealed the months-long sexual abuse he endured at the hands of Brian Peck, a dialogue coach who worked on several Nickelodeon series featuring Bell. Brian Peck was arrested in August 2003 by the Los Angeles police for “lewd acts with a child” and later convicted after pleading no contest to two charges of child sex abuse. He served 16 months in prison and is a registered sex offender.
The documentary also highlights the unwavering support Brian Peck received from industry executives, leaving Bell shocked and isolated during the legal proceedings. Notably, Dan Schneider, who has faced abuse allegations from former stars of his shows, tearfully recalled assisting Bell’s mother in composing her testimony against Brian Peck.
Nickelodeon, in response to the documentary, released a statement affirming their commitment to investigating all formal complaints and maintaining a safe and professional workplace environment. While they cannot corroborate or negate allegations from decades ago, the network emphasized their dedication to the well-being and best interests of their employees, casts, crew, and audience.