The Seoul Metropolitan Agency’s Violent Crime Investigation Unit has filed an arrest warrant against Kim Yong-ho, a former journalist-turned-content creator, on charges of blackmail. Kim Yong-ho, a famous YouTuber in South Korea, is accused of extorting celebrities by threatening to expose negative content about them on his YouTube channel, Kim Yong Ho Entertainment Director. Local authorities conducted searches of his home and office in October 2022, gathering evidence related to the case. Investigations revealed that he received hundreds of millions of KRW from his victims.
Kim Yong-ho gained popularity on YouTube for revealing controversial blind items and content on his channel. However, he announced his retirement from creating content in August 2021, expressing remorse for his actions. He has faced several legal battles over the years, including defamation and sexual harassment cases. In one instance, he was accused of spreading false information and defaming the character of South Korean comedian Park Soo-hong’s wife. He was also sued for alleged sexual harassment by an unidentified woman.