A former Hanover High School teacher, Kenneth Decie, is facing a terroristic threat charge after allegedly making a gun-related comment at the school. Court documents reveal that Decie, a 54-year-old resident of Quincy, was placed on administrative leave last fall following a conversation with a colleague.
According to court records, a foreign language teacher overheard Decie “venting” about disciplinary action against him in a teacher common space on September 19, 2023. Allegedly, Decie said, “when something like that happens it makes me want to go home and get my rifle.” The foreign language teacher reported the comment the next day, prompting an investigation by Hanover police.
Hanover High Principal Matthew Mattos determined that Decie made the alleged threat to fellow teacher and Hanover Teachers Union President Steve Henderson. As a result, Decie was placed on leave, and parents and families were notified about the incident on September 22. A spokesperson confirmed that Decie is no longer employed by Hanover Public Schools, although the exact termination date remains unclear.
Steve Henderson, who had previously expressed his belief that the comment was metaphorical, told police that Decie was referring to an upcoming disciplinary hearing. Henderson stated that he understood why the comment could be perceived as threatening but insisted it was taken out of context.
During the investigation, Decie admitted to police that he “could have” made a comment about a rifle. However, he claimed not to own any firearms, and a search of his Quincy home yielded no evidence related to the alleged threat.
Initially charged with threats to commit a crime, Decie now faces a more appropriate charge of terroristic threats, as determined by the police. No comment has been received from Decie’s lawyer at the time of writing.