MINNEAPOLIS — In a shocking development, five individuals have been charged with attempting to bribe a juror in one of the largest COVID-19-related fraud cases in the country. The U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI announced the charges on Wednesday, shedding light on a brazen attack on the justice system. The trial in question involves seven Minnesota defendants accused of orchestrating a scheme to steal over $40 million from a federal program designed to provide meals for children during the pandemic.
According to the indictment, Abdiaziz Shafii Farah, Abdimajid Mohamed Nur, Said Shafii Farah, Abdulkarim Shafii Farah, and Ladan Mohamed Ali are each facing charges of conspiracy to bribe a juror, bribery of a juror, and corruptly influencing a juror. Additionally, Abdiaziz Shafii Farah is charged with obstruction of justice. Notably, Abdiaziz Shafii Farah and Abdimajid Mohamed Nur were among the five individuals convicted in the fraud trial earlier this month, while Said Shafii Farah was acquitted. Abdulkarim Shafii Farah and Ladan Mohamed Ali were not involved in the trial.
The investigation into the bribe plot was an extensive three-week endeavor, revealing a scheme reminiscent of a mob movie, as described by U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger. The five individuals charged sought to secure an acquittal not based on evidence but through an elaborate plan to infiltrate the jury. An FBI agent’s affidavit detailed how a woman visited the home of “Juror #52” in Spring Lake Park, a Minneapolis suburb, the night before the case went to the jury in early June. She delivered a gift bag containing a substantial amount of cash to a relative who answered the door. The woman instructed the relative to convey a message to Juror #52, urging her to vote not guilty and promising more of the same “present” the following day. The juror, upon discovering the cash, promptly contacted the police and handed over the bag, which contained approximately $120,000 in $100, $50, and $20 bills.
The indictment reveals that the five individuals targeted Juror #52 due to her being the youngest juror and the only juror of color. They extensively researched her personal information on social media, surveilled her daily activities, followed her home, and even purchased a GPS tracking device to install on her car. The group devised a “blueprint” to persuade the juror, incorporating arguments centered around her identity and insinuating racial bias on the part of the prosecutors.
Ladan Mohamed Ali is accused of being the woman who delivered the bribe money to the juror’s residence. U.S. Attorney Luger stated that she was recruited by Abdimajid Mohamed Nur and flew in from Seattle to execute the plot. So far, 70 individuals have been charged in federal court for their alleged involvement in the pandemic-related fraud scheme, with 18 already pleading guilty. The trial for the remaining defendants is still pending.
The conspiracy exploited lax rules implemented during the pandemic to prevent an economic crash. The defendants allegedly submitted invoices for meals that were never served, operated shell companies, engaged in money laundering, committed passport fraud, and accepted kickbacks. The funds, totaling over $250 million, were provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and administered by the state, including through partners like Feeding Our Future, a nonprofit organization. Only around $50 million has been recovered thus far. The Minnesota Legislature’s watchdog arm found that the state education department failed to exercise adequate oversight of the federal program, enabling the theft to occur.
This shocking case has brought renewed attention to the magnitude of COVID-19-related fraud and the vulnerabilities within the justice system. The judge, in response to the bribe attempt, ordered all seven defendants to surrender their cellphones for investigation purposes. Furthermore, the judge ordered the sequestration of the jury and detained all seven defendants. One additional juror who was informed about the bribery plot was dismissed from the trial.
1 Response
This is truly a disturbing incident that highlights the importance of upholding the integrity of the justice system. It serves as a reminder that corruption can infiltrate even the most crucial legal proceedings.
In light of this, my personal goal is to support and advocate for transparency and fairness within the legal system. I believe that everyone deserves a fair trial, and any attempt to manipulate or undermine that process is unacceptable.
To contribute to this goal, I plan to stay informed about similar cases and raise awareness about the dangers