Edmonton Police have intensified their investigation into a fatal shooting that claimed the lives of Harpreet Singh Uppal, a 41-year-old man, and his 11-year-old son. The incident, which police believe was gang-related and targeted, occurred last week near a gas station in a bustling shopping plaza at the intersection of 50th Street and Ellerslie Road in southeast Edmonton.
In an effort to gather leads, authorities released a photograph and a surveillance video clip on Sunday, showcasing the suspects and their vehicle, a stolen black BMW SUV. The 34-second video depicts the suspects exiting the SUV at a gas station, running out of the frame, and then returning to the vehicle before fleeing the scene.
Staff Sgt. Rob Bilawey from the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) homicide section expressed hope that the publicized images might trigger someone’s memory, assisting in the investigation. “Even small details can be crucial to our investigation,” Bilawey stated, urging anyone with relevant information to contact the police.
The surveillance footage suggests that the suspects approached Uppal’s white SUV, opened fire, and then quickly left the area. The police confirmed that both Uppal and his son were fatally shot at the scene. They also clarified that the child’s death was intentional, not accidental. A third occupant of the vehicle, another 11-year-old boy and friend of the deceased child, managed to escape unharmed.
Additionally, investigators are exploring a potential connection between the shooting and a 2012 BMW X6 found ablaze shortly after the incident near 34th Street and Township Road 510, north of Beaumont. The police are working to determine if the burned vehicle is the same as the suspect’s SUV. No individuals were found in the burnt vehicle, and no injuries related to the fire have been reported.
Autopsies for Uppal and his son are scheduled for the upcoming Monday and Tuesday. Uppal was known to police for his significant involvement in Edmonton’s gang and drug scene and had a notable criminal history. In a previous incident in October 2021, he survived a shooting while dining with his family at a Royal Pizza in south Edmonton.
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