Drake Bell, known for his roles in Nickelodeon shows such as “All That” and “The Amanda Show,” recently shared his thoughts on the response to the documentary “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV.” Speaking at an Emmys event in Los Angeles, Bell expressed his feelings of being “in the fire right now” due to the sensitive nature of the story he revealed.
During the panel discussion, which also included filmmakers Mary Robertson and Emma Schwartz, as well as former child stars Giovonnie Samuels and Bryan Hearne, Bell opened up about the challenges he faced in sharing his story. He mentioned being approached for another documentary before “Quiet on Set” but was not ready to go public at that time. Shockingly, he received a response suggesting that his silence would lead to more children being harmed in the industry.
Bell acknowledged the positive impact of “Quiet on Set” in shedding light on the mistreatment of child actors on Nickelodeon shows. He expressed his frustration at the lack of attention his allegations received in the past, emphasizing the need for change within the industry.
Bryan Hearne defended the parents of the child stars involved, stating that the responsibility lies with those on set who are tasked with caring for the emotional well-being of the children. He clarified his relationship with his own mother, stating that they have had a tumultuous history but are currently in a good place.
In the documentary, Bell revealed that he was sexually abused by Brian Peck, a dialogue coach for “All That” and “The Amanda Show,” when he was 15 years old. Peck was later arrested and convicted on charges of child sexual abuse. “Quiet on Set” also explores allegations of a toxic work environment within shows created by Dan Schneider, a former Nickelodeon producer.
1 Response
I’m really interested to hear the author’s thoughts on Drake Bell’s comments about the response to the documentary “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV.” It seems like he is facing some backlash and I’m curious to know what the author thinks about the situation. Do they believe that the documentary is shedding light on important issues within the industry, or do they think it’s unfair for Bell to be facing criticism?