The historic Waverly Inn, a renowned eatery in New York City’s West Village, fell victim to a burglary in the early hours of Saturday morning, according to the police. The incident, which occurred between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m., involved a male intruder who gained access through a kitchen window. The burglar managed to steal $3,000 in cash, $1,200 worth of wine and liquor, credit cards, and even the cash register, as confirmed by the NYPD.
A police source revealed that the stolen items included items from behind the counter, the basement, and a safe. The thief made off with ten bottles of wine valued at $800 and six bottles of liquor valued at $400. When asked about the specific types of spirits taken, the police source humorously replied, “Cabernet, 1923!”
Although there have been no arrests made yet, two suspects were captured on video surveillance, according to Emil Varda, the managing partner of the Waverly Inn. Varda stated that they are currently assessing the extent of the loss.
Local residents expressed shock at the burglary, with one 26-year-old woman named Caroline remarking on the unexpected nature of the incident. She mentioned the restaurant’s frequent celebrity clientele and expressed her intention to support the establishment in light of the incident.
Valerio C., the manager of L’Antica, an Italian restaurant located nearby, lamented the recent increase in unusual occurrences in the neighborhood, including a recent assault. He emphasized the importance of enhanced security measures, particularly in a high-rent area like the West Village.
Dana Turner, a real estate agent who frequently visited the Waverly Inn in the past, expressed disappointment at the incident. Turner recalled the memorable nights spent at the establishment, where she encountered notable figures such as Beyonce and Val Kilmer. She described the burglary as a shame, particularly considering the reputation of the street where the Waverly Inn is located.