A Metropolitan Police officer in London, identified as Constable Craig Carter, has been charged with misconduct after allegedly stealing cash from the body of a deceased actor. The incident occurred in September 2022 when Italian filmmaker Claudio Gaetani suffered a fatal heart attack while cycling on a busy street in London.
Carter, 51, is accused of swiping £170 ($214) from Gaetani’s wallet, as captured on bodycam footage. The footage came to light when a friend of Gaetani noticed that his wallet was empty upon its return by the police. Gaetani, 45, had recently exchanged over 200 Euros for the small sum at the airport the night before his untimely demise. He had arrived in London to participate in a theatre festival in the Southbank area.
The friend, who reported the incident, expressed her disappointment, stating that the issue was not about the money itself, as Gaetani came from a wealthy family. Rather, she emphasized the importance of trust in those who wear a uniform and the disrespect shown by the alleged theft. She shared her deep upset with the situation.
Following the charges, Carter was initially placed on restricted duties and subsequently suspended. He is scheduled to appear at Westminster Magistrates Court on Friday, where he will have the opportunity to enter a plea.
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Did you know that in the United States, it is estimated that between $1.5 billion and $4 billion is stolen from the deceased each year? This shocking statistic highlights the importance of trust and integrity within law enforcement and the need for strict protocols to prevent such incidents from happening.
1. Respect for the deceased: It is crucial for law enforcement officers to treat the deceased with the utmost respect and dignity. This includes refraining from any actions that could be perceived as disrespectful or unethical, such as stealing from their bodies.
2. Transparency and accountability: Police departments should have strict protocols in place for handling personal belongings found on the deceased. These protocols should be transparent and well-communicated to all officers, ensuring that they understand the correct procedures to follow.
3. Proper training and