Bomb Threat Prank Targets Starship Technologies Food Delivery Robots at Oregon State University

Bomb Threat Prank Targets Starship Technologies Food Delivery Robots at Oregon State University

Officials at Oregon State University issued a warning on social media regarding a bomb threat involving Starship Technologies food delivery robots. The autonomous wheeled drones, which transport food orders stored within a built-in container, were targeted in the prank. The university urged individuals to avoid opening the robots and to stay away from them until further notice.

Following the threat, OSU officials remotely isolated the robots in a safe location for investigation by a technician. By 3:54 pm local time, experts cleared the robots of any danger and announced that they would be back in service by 4 pm.

A suspect was arrested in connection with the bomb threat prank by 7 pm local time. Authorities confirmed that there were no actual bombs hidden within the Starship Technologies food delivery robots.

Starship Technologies provided a statement in response to the incident, stating that a student at Oregon State University had sent a bomb threat via social media involving their robots on campus. The student later claimed it was a joke and a prank. Starship Technologies suspended the service and is cooperating with law enforcement and the university during the investigation.

Author: CrimeDoor

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