Phu Khuu, a 51-year-old co-owner and coach of Bintang Badminton in Milpitas, California, has been apprehended by the authorities due to an alleged illicit relationship with a minor. This shocking incident has caused distress in the local community and has led to an ongoing investigation by the Milpitas Police Department (MPD).
The investigation came into motion on July 13th when MPD received information regarding a troubling association between Khuu and a 14-year-old child. The victim bravely came forward, revealing distressing details, claiming to have experienced inappropriate physical contact and sexual communication with Khuu. It is alleged that these acts took place at the Milpitas location of Bintang Badminton, a popular establishment co-owned by Khuu, who also resides in Fremont.
After an extensive inquiry, the MPD arrested Khuu in Santa Clara on July 25th. He has been charged with a felony, specifically lewd and lascivious acts with a child younger than 14. The gravity of these allegations emphasizes the need for a thorough investigation to ensure justice is served.
Bintang Badminton, a prominent badminton club with multiple locations in the area, including the one in Milpitas, is now associated with this distressing incident. It is undoubtedly a challenging time for the members and staff of the club as they grapple with the alleged wrongdoing by one of its co-owners.
MPD has requested support from the community to aid in their investigation. Anyone with information related to this case or similar incidents is urged to contact the Milpitas Police Department at (408) 586-2400. It is vital that the authorities receive any relevant details that may assist in bringing further clarity to this disturbing matter.
While the arrest of Phu Khuu reverberates throughout the community, it should be noted that all individuals are innocent until proven guilty. The legal process will determine the outcome of these allegations, and it is crucial that both the victim and defendant are given the opportunity to present their sides with impartiality and fairness.
The Milpitas community must come together to support those affected by this distressing situation, especially the victim, who has taken a courageous step in speaking out against potential wrongdoing. Through a combination of responsible reporting, collective vigilance, and effective law enforcement, justice can be sought for all parties involved.