In a disturbing incident that unfolded on June 4 around 2 p.m., a deranged bicyclist targeted a 32-year-old man in Manhattan’s SoHo neighborhood, hurling dog feces into the victim’s open car window while shouting an antisemitic profanity. The suspect, who remains at large, fled the scene on his bicycle.
According to police sources, the victim was accosted by the suspect at the corner of Howard Street and Broadway. In a hateful display, the suspect yelled, “F–k you, Jew,” before launching a bag filled with dog excrement into the victim’s car. The entire incident was captured on footage released by the NYPD.
Although it is unclear whether the victim, who had no prior connection to the suspect, is Jewish, the police are treating the incident as a hate crime and aggravated harassment. The victim, fortunately, did not sustain any physical injuries during the repugnant attack.
The suspect, described as a middle-aged man with blonde hair, managed to escape the scene on his bicycle. The NYPD is actively investigating the incident and has released the footage in hopes of identifying and apprehending the perpetrator.
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the persistence of bigotry and hate in our society. The NYPD’s efforts to swiftly bring the suspect to justice are commendable, as they work to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents and visitors in Manhattan.
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This blog post highlights a disturbing incident that occurred in Manhattan’s SoHo neighborhood. A deranged bicyclist targeted a 32-year-old man by throwing dog feces into his open car window while shouting an antisemitic profanity. This incident is concerning and raises questions about the safety and tolerance in our society. It is important for authorities to investigate and take appropriate action against the perpetrator to ensure such incidents are not repeated. Acts of hate and violence have no place in our communities, and it is