Police in Berkeley are investigating the theft of a $25,000 sign that was stolen from outside a university dormitory and later discovered on the roof of a nearby fraternity house. The sign, which had been bolted into the cement and cost approximately $3,000 to install, was reported stolen from the Christian Hall dormitory on Durant Avenue on September 8. It was recovered by UC Berkeley police on September 13 from the Sigma Chi fraternity at 2345 College Ave.
The incident, although resembling a fraternity prank, is being treated as a felony investigation due to the value of the sign exceeding the $400 threshold for felony vandalism in California. Additionally, the estimated value of $25,000 qualifies it as a felony grand theft under state law. The sign was found spray-painted with the Greek symbol for the Sigma Chi fraternity, “ΣX.”
No arrests or charges have been announced, and it remains unclear whether the culprit or culprits have been identified. The fraternity has not responded to requests for comment.